What is the Robots.txt file?

Robots.txt is a file. This file is kept by the owner of a website on their website. Through this file, they tell the search engine which pages should be visited and which pages should not be visited. This is a kind of instruction, for example, the robots of Google or other search engines (called “bots”) will be able to scan a certain part of the website.

Robots.txt Generator

Search Robots:

(The path is relative to root and must contain a trailing slash "/")

Generated Content:

Why do you need a Robots TXT file?

Suppose, if someone enters your house every day and sees everything, then you may want him not to enter some special room. In the same way, the website owner also wants the search engine bots to see certain pages instead of seeing all their pages. Robots TXT file is used for this. It guides the search engine, which pages can be seen and which ones can’t.

How does the Robots TXT file work?

Robots TXT files are usually kept in the main folder of the website. When this file is opened, some simple code is written inside, which directs the bots of the search engine.

What is the Robots TXT file made of?

This file can usually be created with a text editor, such as Notepad or any other simple editor. It’s very simple, just follow the instructions. But those who do not know coding, they can easily use Robots TXT Generator by going to our website.

Where is the Robots TXT file stored?

This file can usually be created with a text editor, such as Notepad or any other simple editor. It’s very simple, just follow the instructions. But those who do not know coding, they can easily use Robots TXT Generator by going to our website.

What is in Robots TXT file?

Robots TXT file contains some instructions for search engine bots. Below are some common examples:

  • User-Agent: This is a command for a bot. For example, “User-agent: Googlebot” is written for Google’s bot.
  • Disallow: It says that the bots will not be able to get into any page or folder. For example, if you want to block bots from entering a private page, you can write “Disallow: / private /.”
  • Allow: Allows bots to go to a page. For example, if you want only certain pages to be scanned, you can give the command “Allow.”
  • Sitemap: This is the location of the sitemap. A sitemap is a file that shows bots, which pages are there, and how they are connected.

Robots TXT file is a useful tool that instructs search engine bots to go to a page and not to a page. It helps to protect the privacy of the website, SEO development, and reduce the server load. However, it should be used very carefully, because if used incorrectly, important pages will not be seen in search engines.
